61 million adults in the United States have some type of disability.

dALA was founded in 2022 by Paul Kent in response to a lived experience in joining the disabled community, and realizing firsthand the disparity of outcomes in this community.
Our purpose is to amplify the social impact of private funders focusing on improving lives across the disabled community.
We drive meaningful and sustainable impact by sourcing, analyzing, structuring, and executing critical initiatives benefiting the disabled community.
disAbility Demographics
1 in 4 adults with disabilities have an unmet health care need because of cost in the past year.
Adults with disabilities report mental distress almost 5 times as often as adults without disabilities.
Employment-population ratio was 17.9% for persons with a disability, compared to 61.8% for those without a disability.
Median earnings of individuals with disabilities were $25,707, compared to $37,028 for those without disabilities.
Persons with disabilities have twice the risk of developing conditions such as depression, asthma, diabetes, stroke, obesity or poor oral health.
Current Initiatives
The disabled community faces disproportionate gaps in medical care, access to vital resources, and patient advocacy resulting in economic distress and marginalization.
United States has over 1.8 million non-profit entities, yet large populations of the disabled community continue to suffer from unmet needs.
Impact oriented private funders are disenfranchised by existing infrastructure not providing the intended outcomes.
Source & Screen: Identify the most impactful technologies, services, and programs.
Diligence: Institutional-quality due diligence to assess feasibility, scalability, and impact.
Structure & Execute: Structure to align with intended outcomes and facilitate collaboration amongst all stakeholders.
Manage: Participate in governance to drive desired outcomes.
disAbled Life Alliance is a visionary service for private funders, advancing their impact agendas within the disabled community.
Our Team
At least 50% of our employee partners will be from the disabled community

Paul ‘PK’ Kent
Founder & Managing Partner

James Carmack
Managing Director, Client Development

Grant Hall
Managing Director, Community Development